Tuesday, January 18, 2011

You Know You Have Lost When...

Today at work I was thinking about some of the things Bobby and I have come up with over the years to describe certain unfortunate events. These different sayings are funny in there own way and apply in different situations: 'That guy had a bad day', 'He took it', 'Ohhhhh', etc. At the end of the day it all means the same thing, they lost. This got me to thinking about the old legend of a small village whom was about to be attacked by a large gang of vikings and to defend themselves they built a cannon from a very old and stout tree trunk. I can picture the towns people in the Hollywood tradition of a musical montage; leadership, a plan, hope, security, a sense of accomplishment showing on the random town's people's faces.

Then it comes to the viking's attack, the people ready their weapon, knowing there plan will work. They light the fuse...it disappears into the lock...the tension for their future swells...and then...the cannon explodes and kills a great deal of the villagers.

They...had a bad day.


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